YAWYI back cover
(too old to reply)
Milhouse G
2007-01-02 03:47:53 UTC
I just (as in a few days ago) purchased and recieved in the mail the
"good" 1995/"1998" Ryko cd version of YAWYI (why I waited this long to
buy it, who knows, but it was available at cduniverse.com for $9.75, so
I snatched it up).

At any rate, has anyone else noticed how strangely blurry the art on the
tray card (both inside and out and on the spines) is? It looks more like
a color Xerox than a real printed cover. I mean, just compare the photo
on the back cover to the same photo on the back of the booklet -- the
one on the tray card is noticeably darker and less sharp.

Did the original (i.e. "bad", audio-wise) 1995 cd look like this? Or did
this somehow only come along after the Spence remaster? I know it's not
just my cover, either, as every copy of the CD I've seen in stores
looked the same.
Milhouse Guidry of the mWo
Empty barrels make the most noise.

"If it takes you more than two, *MAYBE* three posts
to say what you think needs to be said,
you don't know what you're talking about and should shut up."
--The Bede

mWo. It's not just the coolest, it's fa lyfe, so survey says
whether you like it or don't like it, never E-e-e-ver tell
me he did *not* just SMELL what mWo 3:16 reeks of.
Biffy the Elephant Shrew
2007-01-02 05:46:24 UTC
Post by Milhouse G
Did the original (i.e. "bad", audio-wise) 1995 cd look like this? Or did
this somehow only come along after the Spence remaster? I know it's not
just my cover, either, as every copy of the CD I've seen in stores
looked the same.
My copy of the 1995 CD looks fine--the tray photo is the same quality
as the booklet version. Of course, neither is nearly as sharp as the
beautifully reproduced LP version.

Your pal,
Biffy the Elephant Shrew
Big Al Tomaters
2007-01-02 15:28:40 UTC
Post by Biffy the Elephant Shrew
Post by Milhouse G
Did the original (i.e. "bad", audio-wise) 1995 cd look like this? Or did
this somehow only come along after the Spence remaster? I know it's not
just my cover, either, as every copy of the CD I've seen in stores
looked the same.
My copy of the 1995 CD looks fine--the tray photo is the same quality
as the booklet version. Of course, neither is nearly as sharp as the
beautifully reproduced LP version.
Your pal,
Biffy the Elephant Shrew
Would I be correct in assuming that the inside photo is from inside
Frank's actual home?
2007-01-02 22:50:46 UTC
Post by Biffy the Elephant Shrew
My copy of the 1995 CD looks fine--the tray photo is the same quality
as the booklet version.
I would say the same of my copy (which is the 1998 Spence remaster).

Pat Buzby
Chicago, IL
Milhouse G
2007-01-03 00:14:20 UTC
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Post by Biffy the Elephant Shrew
My copy of the 1995 CD looks fine--the tray photo is the same quality
as the booklet version.
I would say the same of my copy (which is the 1998 Spence remaster).
Then what the hell is with the 10+ copies (including my own) I've seen
with the Xeroxed-looking back cover? This is getting too weird, man!
Milhouse Guidry of the mWo
Empty barrels make the most noise.

"If it takes you more than two, *MAYBE* three posts
to say what you think needs to be said,
you don't know what you're talking about and should shut up."
--The Bede

mWo. It's not just the coolest, it's fa lyfe, so survey says
whether you like it or don't like it, never E-e-e-ver tell
me he did *not* just SMELL what mWo 3:16 reeks of.
Milhouse G
2007-01-03 14:21:45 UTC
Post by Milhouse G
Post by p***@yahoo.com
Post by Biffy the Elephant Shrew
My copy of the 1995 CD looks fine--the tray photo is the same quality
as the booklet version.
I would say the same of my copy (which is the 1998 Spence remaster).
Then what the hell is with the 10+ copies (including my own) I've seen
with the Xeroxed-looking back cover? This is getting too weird, man!
The mid-west is the dumping ground for all the shoddy workmanship. Or its
the Youngstown Mafia dumping Zappa over-runs. The ryko sub-contractor
pressing plant probably wrote them off as destroyed product. Gail knows of
this old record company prick trick.
My copy has the same problem as Milhouse's, I think. It also has the
text "It was digitally remastered for CD in 1998 at UMRK by Spencer
Chrislu" on page 3 of the booklet. Does Patrick's one have that text?
Maybe it's from another run. Weren't there some Chrislu's remastered
ones without any indication on the booklet?
Mine has the booklet /with/ the Spence note, btw.
Milhouse Guidry of the mWo
Empty barrels make the most noise.

"If it takes you more than two, *MAYBE* three posts
to say what you think needs to be said,
you don't know what you're talking about and should shut up."
--The Bede

mWo. It's not just the coolest, it's fa lyfe, so survey says
whether you like it or don't like it, never E-e-e-ver tell
me he did *not* just SMELL what mWo 3:16 reeks of.
Milhouse G
2007-01-03 14:26:17 UTC
Maybe it's from another run. Weren't there some Chrislu's remastered
ones without any indication on the booklet?
Yes, I believe my copy has no indication.
"1998" remaster w/ no Spence indication = back cover Ok
"1998" remaster *with* Spence indication = new print / press run =
blurry back cover

Does this seem possible / plausible? (It does to me.)
Milhouse Guidry of the mWo
Empty barrels make the most noise.

"If it takes you more than two, *MAYBE* three posts
to say what you think needs to be said,
you don't know what you're talking about and should shut up."
--The Bede

mWo. It's not just the coolest, it's fa lyfe, so survey says
whether you like it or don't like it, never E-e-e-ver tell
me he did *not* just SMELL what mWo 3:16 reeks of.
2007-01-03 01:29:56 UTC
Post by Milhouse G
I just (as in a few days ago) purchased and recieved in the mail the
"good" 1995/"1998" Ryko cd version of YAWYI (why I waited this long to
buy it, who knows, but it was available at cduniverse.com for $9.75, so
I snatched it up).
At any rate, has anyone else noticed how strangely blurry the art on the
tray card (both inside and out and on the spines) is? It looks more like
a color Xerox than a real printed cover. I mean, just compare the photo
on the back cover to the same photo on the back of the booklet -- the
one on the tray card is noticeably darker and less sharp.
I hope they reproduced that essay on Cheese which is in my original LP
gatefold.. Utterly priceless!
Milhouse G
2007-01-03 02:47:41 UTC
Post by b
I hope they reproduced that essay on Cheese which is in my original LP
gatefold.. Utterly priceless!
Oh, absolutely. It's there.
Milhouse Guidry of the mWo
Empty barrels make the most noise.

"If it takes you more than two, *MAYBE* three posts
to say what you think needs to be said,
you don't know what you're talking about and should shut up."
--The Bede

mWo. It's not just the coolest, it's fa lyfe, so survey says
whether you like it or don't like it, never E-e-e-ver tell
me he did *not* just SMELL what mWo 3:16 reeks of.
Strictly Commercial
2007-01-03 07:29:04 UTC
Post by Milhouse G
Post by b
I hope they reproduced that essay on Cheese which is in my original LP
gatefold.. Utterly priceless!
Oh, absolutely. It's there.
Probably not priceless though: some form of payment, a kill fee of some
sort, would have changed hands.

Rolf (working on Joe's Garage chapter today)